The world’s best
Speakers & Celebrities

We provide the most influential people on the planet to inspire, educate, motivate or entertain. It’s what we do best and what we’ve been doing since 1983. Today we are a world-leading speaker bureau.

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New possibilities for audiences to connect Live On-Line with the very best global thinkers, business influencers, innovators, and accomplished Speakers.

Virtual Events offer tailored options and we partner you to find Speakers perfect for the human connection.

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Why Csa?

Why Csa?

Four decades of experience, unrivalled global reach to the World’s best speakers and expert consultants with a deep understanding of what will make a speaker perfect for you, someone who will captivate your audience and alter the way they see the world.

Driven by the power of shared wisdom and experience to empower organisations and their people – we won’t just find you a brilliant speaker, we aim to make your event a life changing experience.

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Recent Reviews

  •  Martina Navratilova

    Martina Navratilova

    Martina was absolutely wonderful. She was totally charming, relatable, inspiring, interesting. Great! Everyone said what a great speaker she was.

    Speciality Insurance Group
  •  Cathy O'Dowd

    Cathy O'Dowd

    Cathy O’Dowd gave a splendid speech; the content totally supported our theme and was well paced, adding drama where necessary. She really captured our attention.

    EMEA Event Planning Specialists
  •  Pierluigi Collina

    Pierluigi Collina

    Pierluigi delivered a really great presentation. His delivery was wonderful. Excellent.

    Financial Services Group
  •  Noreena Hertz

    Noreena Hertz

    Noreena's presentation was a very fitting closure of a very successful event. Her presentation gave a fabulous summary of the various parameters confronting our business audience.

    Manufacturing Trade Association

What clients say about CSA

You provided a first class service. It was so easy to work with you and we appreciated the phone call set up in advance of the presentation.

Global Foundation

You understood our brief excellently. You recommended the right speaker for the job – she was absolutely perfect, our audience loved her.

Technology Corporation

CSA News & Publications

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Our consultants have the expertise and knowledge to find your perfect speaker and make your vision a reality.

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