Sarah Begum
Adventurer & Humanitarian
Sarah Begum is passionate Adventurer & Humanitarian and TV presenter who has explored remote parts of the world, surviving jungles, deserts, mountains and caves to live with indigenous and remote tribes documenting important human and environmental stories with impact whilst becoming a pioneering face of exploration.
"An immersive investigative anthropologist, journalist and explorer"
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Sarah is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Her first film, "Amazon Souls", where she hunted and gathered with the Huaorani tribe and was made a real life Amazon Warrior Queen advocate for preserving the jungle premiered at Cannes Film Festival and is distributed worldwide. Sarah has won many awards including the Spirit of Adventure Award by Captain Scott Society, was highlighted by The Guardian newspaper as The World's Top 17 trailblazer. She is the Host of Spaced Out!, a podcast and TV series about the Space industry interviewing leading figures from investors to astronauts to educate the masses about the inner workings of the business behind Space ventures, which has also featured on Space Channel.
Sarah delivers ground breaking interesting content from her adventures around the world including documentaries, humanitarian missions, anthropological studies on indigenous tribes and surviving some of the most dangerous parts of the world.