About CSA Celebrity Speakers

We provide the most influential people on the planet to inspire, educate, motivate or entertain. It’s what we do best and what we’ve been doing since 1983. In those early days, we were pioneers of the speaker industry in Europe. Today we are a world leading speaker bureau. With offices in sixteen countries we represent leading thinkers and can connect you to virtually every personality in the world. We are renowned for providing the highest levels of customer service and advice when selecting a speaker, and why we continue to retain our world-class clientele. When you choose CSA, rest assured, you will be working with the best in the business.

"CSA was excellent, well organised and clear processes. Good communications ahead of the event."

− International HR Organisation

"Outstanding, the support received from CSA was invaluable, you were very engaging and a pleasure to work with."

− Finance Provider

"Excellent CSA service, very professional and easy to work with. Listened to our briefs and delivered exactly what we were after."

− Telecomms Provider