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Internet Safety Expert Offers Tips To Stay Safe While On The Web

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Protecting yourself while online is important, and it’s relatively easy to do, according to Daniel Sieberg with Google.

“I mean an umbrella protects you from the rain, and creating a more secure online presence is something you can also do,” Sieberg said.
Sieberg said the most common mistake people make is using the same password for all your accounts.
“It’s a little like using the same key for all of your doors,” he said. Read more.

“Our love for technology shouldn’t be unconditional”, article from El Pais

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“El amor a la tecnología no debe ser incondicional”

“Our love for technology shouldn’t be unconditional”

Daniel Sieberg, periodista y ejecutivo de Google, es autor de ‘La dieta digital’, un plan para desintoxicarnos de los excesos con la tecnología

Fue en un encuentro de Navidad de 2009. Daniel Sieberg, que se había forjado una carrera sólida como corresponsal de tecnología para las cadenas estadounidenses CNN y CBS, se reunía con su familia en la costa oeste de Canadá. “Probaba todas las innovaciones, estaba en las redes sociales, pensaba que vivía muy conectado con los míos y con el resto del mundo”, explica el ahora director de Relación con los Medios de Comunicación de Google de visita de trabajo en Madrid, y para su intervención en la celebración del aniversario de la empresa GMV. Sin embargo, cuando los parientes conversaron sobre las noticias de bodas, nacimientos o divorcios de aquel año, él se dio cuenta de que no se había enterado de ninguna de ellas. Y el momento navideño se transformó en otro “de Epifanía” para Sieberg. “Me había convertido en un gran presentador, pero un pésimo comunicador, era socialmente incompetente. Continuamente miraba algún tipo de aparato… ¡Mi mujer me llamaba ‘luciérnaga’ porque en la cama mi cara siempre estaba iluminada por la luz de algún tipo de pantalla!”.

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How the Google exec keeps fatherhood unplugged

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We often fantasize about raising our kids in a simpler, screen-free world. Daniel Sieberg, Google exec and author of The Digital Diet, is more realistic: He simply advocates a thoughtful and measured use of digital devices. We chatted with the father of two about finding a balance between i-addiction and going cold turkey on technology.

What made you realize you needed to change your relationship to digital technology?

It was during the holidays in 2009, when I was visiting family and friends back home in Canada. Despite feeling like the most connected person on the planet, I had somehow lost touch with what was happening in the lives of people I cared about. I had become a terrific broadcaster and a terrible communicator. That, plus my wife repeatedly referring to me as “glowworm,” since my face was always illuminated by some kind of screen while lying in bed — something that does not lend itself to intimacy. Ahem.

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My Declaration of Disconnection

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When did I become the kind of person online who annoys the hell out of me?

You know their behavior — self-centered, overly promotional and, yes, devoutly narcissistic. There, I said it. It’s like my computer monitor had become the mirror from Snow White and I wanted to be the fairest one of all. I’m not sure I can pinpoint exactly when it all started but I can tell you when I started to change it — New Year’s Day, 2010. Kind of a resolution. That’s the day I quit social networking sites cold turkey for at least a year and maybe for good. No Facebook, no Twitter, no MySpace. No, really. I’m ready to leave the “me” decade behind. (My wife asked me to throw in video games for good measure but that seemed a bit excessive.) I had become a satellite streaming read-only data back to Earth. It was time for a reboot.

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